Financial-Legal Literacy Manual for Europe

Download the Financial-Legal Literacy Manual for Europe (pdf) here: EN  FR  BG  ITA  LT

Test your financial-legal literacy knowledge here (FIN-LEG-LIT E-Tool):

About the project

Citizens of the EU suffer from their low level of financial and legal literacy which profoundly affects both the individual well-being and the economy of the member states and the EU as a whole.

EU loses substantial financial and investment opportunities due to the low financial and legal literacy of its citizens. The differences in financial and legal literacy vary largely in different EU countries and contributes to the fragmentation and economic disparities among the member states.

Low financial and legal literacy of the EU citizens makes them more vulnerable to the fluctuations of the economy and crisis situations, which also affects the capacity of the EU to overcome such economic disturbances. This is particularly true regarding the current crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Fundamental divergences of financial and legal literacy in different EU countries prove that there is a fundamentalneed to levy the barriers and ensure the access for all EU citizens to the best European practices of financial and legal education.

Taking into account the aforementioned context, the Financial-Legal Literacy for Europe (FIN-LEG-LIT) project aims the following objectives:

Developing a Manual (“Financial-Legal Literacy Manual for Europe”) of financial-legal education for trainers and adult learners based on the best European practices on the matter and reflecting the objectives of the EU related to green finance and Capital Market Union. The Manual and the Online E-learning Tool will particularly target low-income and/or lowskilled and/or low-qualified adults in countries and regions with different level of economic development. The Manual will be universally applicable throughout the EU and could be used by persons having different financial and legal literacy level.
Launching and maintaining a financial-legal literacy Online E-learning Tool which could be used anywhere and in any environment for financial-legal education courses or individual learning.
Training of the financial-legal literacy trainersto provide financial-legal literacy education to adult learners using the Manual and the Online E-learning Tool.
Providing financial-legal literacy trainingto the low-income and/or low-skilled and/or low-qualified adult learners.

To achieve the aforementioned activities all project partners contribute with their respective know-how and competencies.

They will perform the research activities, necessary to create the Manual, based on the best European financial and legal literacy training and learning practices. They will create e-learning tool, based on the results of the aforementioned research and feedback from adult learners. Project participants will implement workshops for both trainers and learners of the finacial-legal literacy and ensure the dissemination of the results of the project.

As a result of the project the participating trainers will be availed to use the Manual and the Online E-learning Tool in the training of financial-legal literacy to the adults, with a particular focus on the socially and economically disadvantaged learners. Adult learners directly participating in the project will improve their financial-legal literacy skills. The created tools will be freely available for all Europeans via the project website and other partner websites and internet media. The project will contribute strongly to the overall development of the integrated European approach towards the financial and legal literacy education of its citizens.

Project partners


Eurl Aristote

60 rue Pouchet, 75017 Paris, France

+33 6 25 67 60 84



P.zza della Libertà, 40, 87036 Rende (CS) – Italy

+39 0984 467735


OENE (Organisation for Empowerment and Non-formal education)

Aurélie SAINT-PRIX, Présidente, 4 chemin du vieux tamarin, 97160 Le Moule

+590 690278363


VšĮ Finansų teisės institutas

Maironio g. 18-2, 44298 Kaunas, Lithuania

+370 6 7776920


European Multicultural Association

8805 Sliven, Bulgaria, “Todor Assenov” str , bl. 2. ap. 6

+359 895373479

Project activites

Financial-Legal Literacy Transnational meeting in Lithuania, 21-24 August 2023

All partners of the project met the 21-24 August 2023 in Vilnius, Lithuania. During this transnational meeting, the partners presented their local work on this project, discussed past and future dissemination of the project results, discussed the perspectives and future cooperation. Some social partners were present at this meeting and they also presented their implication in the future dissemination and application of this project’s results: manual and e-tool. The partners started the work on the final report. They also visited Democratic school which teaching students financial litteracy and discussed futur collaboration in educational project. Teachers from Democratic school were invited to present their work at Paris 17th municipality in 2024.

Financial-Legal Literacy Workshop for Trainers and Staff

Another project event, where all partners have meet took place on 24-28 April 2023 in Cosenza, Italy. During the Financial-Legal Literacy Workshop for Trainers and Staff, the Manual and online E-learning tool have been presented to the trainers and staff members of the project partners.

The participants have learned how to use and apply the Manual and the online e-learning tool in practice.

Transnational Project meeting

On 7 – 9 December 2021 partners have met live in the Transnational Project Meeting in Le Moule, Guadeloupe, France. The meeting was organized by the local project partner Organisation for Empowerment and Non-formal education. The Transnational Project Meeting was dedicated to the Testing and improving of the Manual and its E-tool.

More information about the Meeting may be found here:


Transnational project… – European Multicultural Association | Facebook

General updates

FIN-LEG-LIT project was launched at a kick-off meeting on 26 October 2020 and will end in August 2023. It started with the creation of a project logo and the launching of the website in all project languages.

The work on the Financial-Legal Literacy Manual for Europe (the Manual) and its respective E-tool started with the preparation of the financial-legal literacy related questionnaires in all project languages. Each project partner has distributed the questionnaires within the project target audience and collected the answers from at least 50 interviewees.

The gathered information was analyzed and combined with the performed desk-work analysis, which served as a basis for the Manual and the E-tool. Both of these tools will be made available in all project languages in printed, pdf and e-tool versions. The respective events for the dissemination of the Manual and the E-tool will be held in June 2023.